Kingdom Come: Deliverance II
Há 2 dias
Onde tudo (ou nada) me acontece...
Hoje foi a primeira vez que andei de reboque... Depois de ter ficado "apeada" na VL8!!!
Read more...Read more..."Seeds you’ve been planting over the past six months are ready to be harvested. Indeed, this is a moment where you celebrate the next version of yourself. How have you upgraded since last August? Where have you gained greater independence? What muscles have you built? Take note of your growth and raise a glass to yourself. It’s important to mark your progress before you plow ahead towards the next goal. Otherwise, you might miss an important confidence boosting experience."
Só agora, ora portanto 25 minutos e um banho depois, é que me dei conta que me levantei da cama uma hora mais cedo do que o necessário...
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