12 m 56 s
Yesterday, in a fabulous spring day, the natives of Zurich celebrated their Sechseläuten. The Böögg did not hurry up particularly: it exploded only after 12:09 minutes.

The Zurich Böögg lost his head this year after 12:09 minutes; this means a medium splendid summer, according to the tradition. Before Böögg combustion, the Zurich guilds with high-carat guests paraded by the city center, under the eyes of the gigantic crowd of spectators present.
Among the guilds, it was possible to see the Federal President Micheline Calmy-Rey, the Bundesrat Christoph Blocher with his daughter Magdalena Martullo-Blocher, the Ems-group boss, and parting Federal Chancellor Annemarie Huber-Hotz; they were covered with flowers and applause. The Zurich FDP-construction manager Ursula Gut, who had the top result yesterday by the Zurich senior civil servant choice and the Zurich national economy manager SVP Rita Fuhrer, who had the worst electoral result of seven government members, were also friendly cheered. The land official Joachim Eder was given the honour to set on fire the pile of wood with the Böögg.
From culture, there were present the ballet manager Heinz Spoerli who had brought several ballet dancers, Locarno film festival president Marco Solari, the sound hall-principal conductor David Zinman, and the actor Marco Rima.
Economy and high finance were represented by the Swiss economic metropolis and finance metropolis prominent, possibly by Economie Suisse president Gerold Bührer and UBS president Marcel Ospel. From the world of the media, Middle East correspondent Ulrich Tilgner was present also like the publisher of "Weltwoche", Roger Köppel, from the Sports, the footballers Alex Frey and the Skeleton world champion Gregor Stähli. Also, besides, was the football legend Franz Beckenbauer.
The Böögg, which had been kidnapped the last year by left activists, was kept this year at the Zurich cantonal bank. One has learned from the hijacking, someone said in the direct transference of the Böögg combustion on the Swiss television SF; now there are three Böögg on stock.